Month: April 2024

MindWare v0.0.9b Is Now Available

Here’s what’s new:

  • The last Project XX hypno now affects player’s gender if looked at for too long.
  • Added volume slider in the sidebar music player.
  • Improved how various status changes are handled.
  • Fixed issues with identical actions potentially triggering multiple variable changes.
  • Changed how APs are displayed.
  • Changed topbar behavior.
  • Fixed a back button bug on the Extendo website.
  • Added an OmniPedia entry for NeoUrbania.
  • Added an OmniPedia entry for SynTech.
  • Added a shuffle button to the large music player.
  • Finished the implementation of the Synapse Steady VX cyberware.
  • Lowered the maximum number of dishes to clean.
  • Fixed the following reported bug: there is an typo in emailss on the left side bar
  • Fixed the following reported bug: Spilling mistake: “bathrooms of possibly hundreds of his tenatns.”
  • Fixed the following reported bug: The side bar comes out every time I click to move forward. After I click sleep, bam, it opens, work, bam.
  • Fixed the following reported bug: “extendo.omninet” on our personal laptop “opens” someone else’s laptop
  • Fixed the following reported bug: Stuck within the body details section of the Quick Access Menu, clicking “Go back” Just “refreshes” the page. Refreshes is in quotes because it takes you to the same page. You can permanently get stuck in the body details page with no way to go back to where you can leave your place.
  • Fixed the following reported bug: I find that whenever a track finishes, it always goes back to the top, instead of moving to the next track for me
  • Fixed the following reported bug: Oh right, very minor bit of feedback: If you talk to a colleague but you dont actually talk to them (ie: you dont have anything to talk about, or you click “back” instead of picking an available topic), it probably shouldnt consume energy?
  • Fixed the following reported bug: Brick breaker has no ending
  • Fixed the following reported bug: Click on the Extendo website in your laptop browser, it will output an error
  • Fixed the following reported bug: playing erosphere SIMS did not cost money
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MindWare v0.0.9 Is Now Available

Here’s what’s new:

  • Added top bar to display player stats.
  • Added play stat location setting to optionally display the information in the left sidebar.
  • UI is now partially visible during linear sections.
  • The Synapse Steady VX implant is now functional.
  • Added a character screen and a corresponding shortcut button.
  • Added a computer shortcut.
  • Added a right sidebar customization tip.
  • Added a Start button hover effect.
  • Added a Quick Start button.
  • Added an option to skip the Prologue.
  • Added an option to completely disable right sidebar.
  • Fixed a web browser 404 page back button bug.
  • The SIMS watched variable now resets as it should when the player goes to sleep.
  • Added a resist minigame.

As you can see, this release is all about core gameplay systems, and it doesn’t include any new story content at all.

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