Month: August 2024

MindWare v0.1.5 Is Now Available

The public version of MindWare 0.1.5 is now available.

Here’s what’s new and different:

  • Added post-psychological evaluation chat with Cipher.
  • Added first transition appointment with Dr. Hart.
  • Added first post-appointment chat with Cipher.
  • Added second transition appointment with Dr. Hart.
  • Added second post-appointment chat with Cipher.
  • Added third transition appointment with Dr. Hart.
  • You can now change your nickname and name in the Settings menu.
  • You can now change your gender in the Extra Options menu.
  • Fixed a bug that caused an error in Panacea Clinic under certain conditions.
  • Small tweaks to the game difficulty settings screen.
  • Added the option to enable infinite action points in the Extra Options menu.
  • Added a new OmniPedia section about HiveProperties.
  • Fixed a formatting bug in the Go Outside passage.
  • You can now get drunk and black out.
  • Fixed a bug during the first hospital visit.
  • Added a mobile Synapse Steady VX diagnostics report.
  • Redesigned the original Synapse Steady VX report.
  • The Character Profile screen now displays the correct avatar iamge.
  • You can now undergo your first psychological evaluation at the Panacea Clinic to begin your physical transition.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the autosave feature to not work.
  • The Extra Options menu is now better protected thanks to Moran, a Discord member. Thank you!
  • NEW AVATAR SYSTEM that reflects all five stages of the player character’s transformation.
  • New player avatar images.
  • Added basic support for custom avatar images.
  • You can now change your avatar in the Extra Options menu.

The update contains over 70 new images/videos and more new playable content than several last updates combined.

The new content is available only if your mental condition is at least Unstable (you’ve become feminized by AVA to such an extent that your gender doesn’t match your sex and you’re experiencing gender dysphoria). I’ve added an option in the Extra Options menu to change your gender, so feel free to use it to trigger the new content. Oh, and you can skip the wait between your appointments with Dr. Hart by clicking the button in the task description (click on the task name in the to-do list first).

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