MindWare 0.0.5 Is Now Available

This version introduces a new location: EroSphere.

The main story is still where it was in version 0.0.4, but I’ve made significant behind-the-scenes progress to create the foundation for AVA’s influence on the player. The next version will provide the first glimpse of it.


  • Adjusted coding minigame reward.
  • Adjusted starting money.
  • Added a rent mechanic.
  • Added a Hive Properties website.
  • Added a Hive Properties email.
  • Added expenses tracking.
  • Added a bug report form.
  • Fixed a bunch of typos.
  • Fixed the Download Wiper Tool / Save Target button order issue.
  • Fixed the long black tunnel animation delay by implementing a preload function and optimizing the animation itself.
  • Added EroSphere location.
  • Added EroSphere pole dancing.
  • Added EroSphere dishwashing minigame.
  • Added quick access buttons tooltips.
  • Adjusted Project XX text.
  • Improved Prologue pacing.

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