I have received a lot of questions and feedback since the introduction of MindWare on TFGames, and this FAQ is my attempt to address the most common ones in a convenient format.

Q: When will the next version of MindWare be released?

A: My goal is to release a new version every 14 days or so, but there’s no strict schedule at the moment. Please note that each update might only have a limited amount of new content, but consistency is important to me. I’m 100% determined to bring MindWare to version 1.0—it won’t become yet another abandoned Twine game.

Q: How much time do you dedicate to MindWare’s development?

A: Right now, my ability to work on MindWare is very limited. It’s done in my free time after a full-time job and family commitments. The good news is that my job is flexible, so it wouldn’t be too difficult for me to work less. The bad news is that I can realistically do so only if the development of MindWare compensates for the lost income. Hence, my current Patreon and Subscribe Star goal of $1,000.

Q: Does every MindWare update advance the main story?

No. Some updates don’t advance the main story at all, revolving instead around gameplay mechanics, side missions, or bug fixes.

Q: Will my existing saves work with a new version?

They might, but probably won’t. Unfortunately, MindWare is still in such early stages of development that I can’t guarantee save compatibility, so it’s best to restart the game every time. I know that playing from the start all the time can be very time-consuming and boring, which is why I always include links to new content in the changelog. Just know that those links are meant as previews only—you should never continue playing the game from them because important variables are not set up.

Q: Why are you making MindWare?

A: I’ve always been passionate about role-playing and point-and-click adventure games. The adult flavor of Twine games, with their blend of roleplaying, storytelling, and smut, captured my imagination. MindWare is my attempt to create a cyberpunk-inspired Twine game that I would love to play myself.

Q: Do you have any previous gamedev experience?

Very little. I’ve attempted to make a Twine game on two occasions in the past, but never really got anywhere with it. That’s why MindWare is a huge learning experience for me. I often make mistakes that I then have to that I then have to fix. While that can be frustrating sometimes, I’m looking at each mistake as a chance to learn and do things better next time.

Q: When will you reply to my message?

A: Due to my busy schedule, replies may not be as prompt as I’d like. Rest assured, I try to respond to all messages (please don’t hesitate to send me a reminder if I ever take too long). I prioritize Patreon and Subscribe Star supporters first, then Discord and Reddit since I can handle those a bit more easily on my phone.

Q: Will MindWare ever be optimized for mobile devices?

A: Optimizing MindWare for mobile devices is definitely on the agenda! While the current focus is on the desktop experience, I plan to develop mobile-friendly CSS styles to make the game more accessible on various devices in the future.

Q: Is there an offline version of MindWare?

A: Yes, an offline version of MindWare will be available to Patreon and Subscribe Star supporters starting with version 0.0.5. This version is a token of appreciation for the incredible support received. A public offline version will also be released eventually, though it will be slightly behind the supporter-exclusive version to maintain exclusivity.

Are there any other questions that you would like me to answer? Let me know!


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