
MindWare 0.0.8 Is Now Available

This update brings two main additions to the game:

  • S.I.M.S. pods
  • Optional ByteBunker hacking job

S.I.M.S. pods are located in EroSphere, and they are used by NeoUrbanians to experience everything from a relaxing virtual hike to a gangbang. For user safety, S.I.M.S. are categorized into levels based on their intensity. Right now, only four level 1 S.I.M.S. are implemented, but more are coming soon.

The ByteBunker hacking job was a lot of fun to create, and I encourage you take things slow and explore as you play it. The job becomes available during the second post-operation day and it remains available for the next 7 days. I have prepared a quick link in Changelog, so please take advantage of it.

For the next version, I will focus on making the VX implant functional, so that AVA can start showing up in the game properly.


  • Added sidebar settings (visible only when the right sidebar is visible).
  • Successful bruteforce now reveals the correct password.
  • Added anoptional hacking job. Becomes available on the second day of Chapter 1.
  • Added mobile compatibility warning.
  • Fixed empty space at the bottom of passages.

MindWare 0.0.7 Is Now Available

This update concludes the linear transition between Prologue and Chapter 1.

Now that most main systems are in place, I can resume work on the open part of the game, which is what Chapter 1 will be about.

I want to start with the EroSphere club, because I really enjoy working on it, and because it will play a role in at least one character’s storyline.

Speaking of character storylines, there will be multiple of them in Chapter 1, probably one for every character that has been introduced so far, but they won’t all be equally long or important. The gameplay will revolve around you continuing with your life, playing the character missions, and dealing with the consequences of your infection.

As you embark on these missions, your choices will significantly impact the narrative, leading to different outcomes based on how you manage relationships and confront challenges.

Note: All new story content in this version is completely linear, and there’s no reason to play the game from start to finish to experience it — just use the link in the game’s changelog.


  • Added a main story mission: GitGud Synapse Steady VX installation.
  • Tweaked dialog boxes.
  • Implemented right sidebar.
  • Slight changes to certain dialogs for better consistency.
  • Fixed a lot of minor bugs found using SugarValidator.

MindWare 0.0.6 Is Now Available

The main story continues! Find out what happens after your close encounter with AVA.

All new story content in this version is completely linear, and there’s no reason to play the game from start to finish to experience it — just use the link in the game’s changelog.

Version 0.0.7 (to be released in +- 2 weeks) will conclude this linear transition between Prologue and Chapter 1, leaving you in another open section.


  • Added Panacea Clinic as a new location.
  • Added a main story mission: hospital visit.
  • Added a photosensitivity warning.
  • Notifications change color based on their number (1 = yellow, 2 = orange, 3+ = red).
  • Improved email client design to make read and unread emails more distinct.
  • Added the ability to change the first name, last name, and nickname in the Extra Options menu.
  • Added the option to enable “Skip Minigame” buttons in the Extra Options menu.

MindWare 0.0.5 Is Now Available

This version introduces a new location: EroSphere.

The main story is still where it was in version 0.0.4, but I’ve made significant behind-the-scenes progress to create the foundation for AVA’s influence on the player. The next version will provide the first glimpse of it.


  • Adjusted coding minigame reward.
  • Adjusted starting money.
  • Added a rent mechanic.
  • Added a Hive Properties website.
  • Added a Hive Properties email.
  • Added expenses tracking.
  • Added a bug report form.
  • Fixed a bunch of typos.
  • Fixed the Download Wiper Tool / Save Target button order issue.
  • Fixed the long black tunnel animation delay by implementing a preload function and optimizing the animation itself.
  • Added EroSphere location.
  • Added EroSphere pole dancing.
  • Added EroSphere dishwashing minigame.
  • Added quick access buttons tooltips.
  • Adjusted Project XX text.
  • Improved Prologue pacing.
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